I am often asked about my initial interest in and passion for BBQ. Well, it all began during a visit to Bastrop, Texas (outside of Austin) about 15+ years ago.
During this trip, I was introduced to a Texas BBQ legend, Mr. Bill Archer. Mr. Archer is a Texas Native with years of experience behind the pit. He has taught me much over the years.

I felt fortunate in May to spend a few days with Bill behind Big Sheila as we prepared for several events. Like any great (Texas) mentor, he accepted all credit for the food while enjoying cocktails with the guests. It was a terrific time.
Over a beer (or two), Bill and I discussed the art of BBQ and the process of supporting large events for customers.
Bill and I agree that resting brisket in a cooler for at least 2 hours after reaching final internal temperature of 195-200 degrees F is the most important factor in serving world class brisket…..so, the BBQ tip of the month is “always rest your brisket!”
All the best, Tequila Sheila!
Click below to read the full May 2022 BBQ Tip of the Month newsletter online.