Posts by teqadmin

“It’s such a fine line between stupid, and clever.” David St. Hubbins – This is Spinal Tap   Rob Reiner’s 1984 Mockumentary, This is Spinal Tap, is replete with classic quotations. From “This one goes to 11!” to “Hello Cleveland!” the movie does a wonderful job mocking a time period and the world of music entertainment. Along with Rock of Ages and Rock Star, the movie plays to the adolescent dreams of everyone…especially...

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Master philosophers throughout the world have tried to define the meaning of life’s struggles. From Empiricism to Idealism and Stoicism to Existentialism, these philosophers have bored college students to sleep with longwinded, big-worded nonsense. A brief review of each school of thought taught me one thing: None of these people have ever tried to smoke the perfect brisket. The quest for perfect brisket embodies each and every...

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As an entertainer (of sorts), I really enjoy interfacing with guests / hosts / partygoers. The conversations vary, but they are all based on certain themes: Meat, Smoke, Fire, and Gear. These happen to be my four favorite topics … no wonder I enjoy the discussions. Obviously, some of these conversations are funny, some are informative, and some are very silly (depending on beer consumption). Over time, I plan to share some of these...

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The legend of Tequila Sheila is a simple story that has developed over many years. The story begins with the destruction of my mother’s kitchen while trying to copy an omelet recipe from a TV show circa 1980. Needless to say, much time has passed and many dishes served since that terrible omelet was discarded. Since the “omelet episode,” I have let my curiosity guide me through different cooking styles, methods, and tastes. At my...

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According to popular culture, a person is never too young for a little modification / maintenance. A small lift here and a small reduction there can create a “whole new you.” So says plastic surgery marketing. Well, the same is true for 2500 lbs of ¼ inch steel with 6 years of entertainment wear. After 6 years, Tequila Sheila was beginning to show her wear. It was time for a “little rejuvenation.” Though discussed and planned during...

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